Okay, So you may be wondering exactly what the
purpose of this blog is. Truthfully, I don't think there
is exactly a major point to it at all. Basically I have
thoughts constantly running through my mind that
drive me completely insane and if I don't have somewhere I can put them down then I will lose it.
So I guess we just figured it out. The purpose is self expression. A lot of people will say that I should "get a diary" or "see a therapist" or some stupid shit like that but my hope is that by posting how I feel and what I think here, it will help people who may not feel like they can do the same, so I'm also trying to help people. (See Picture)
I know I'm not exactly reaching out to help people in this method but I genuinely feel like if I post something that someone can relate to or something they can laugh at then that will help them feel better about things. I like the idea of being able to do that. If people agree with things I say then perhaps it could spark an interesting conversation, could be similar if they disagree with what I say. This blog is basically a "Vent Space" where I can unload things completely, you will find all sorts of thoughts and feelings on this blog if you choose to read it. At the end of the day, I'm a person with real thoughts and emotions and I'm not gonna pretend to be anyone I'm not for the sake of looking tough or for your opinions sake. If this blog helps you or you find yourself enjoying the posts then I'm glad. If you want to come on here to judge then you can fuck yourself.
Anyway, Welcome to Mike's Mindstate, hope you enjoy it and if you don't then I can't find the energy to give a shit.